Saturday 24 December 2016

You have four bases to protect from enemy lasers

The lasers come from above and can go in any direction. You want to shoot and destroy as many as you can. This seems easy but you have limited ammunition and some of the lasers need to be hit multiple times to destroy them. Which in my case made it almost impossible to proceed._ Lula:Family… Continue reading You have four bases to protect from enemy lasers

In every other way imaginable, my brother is much more capable.
(22 December 2016)

The only thing I can do that he can't is work on computers.
(22 December 2016)

My other siblings and even my parents keep telling me that I am just as smart if not smarter and just as capable as my brother, just in different ways.
(22 December 2016)

I'm not jealous of him, but I am extremely impressed and envious of him.
(22 December 2016)

My brother is superior to me in every way but one.
(22 December 2016)

He made it into the Army, they wouldn't even let me into boot camp.
(22 December 2016)

I can balance my personal finances but that's it.
(22 December 2016)

He is extremely good at money management and business.
(22 December 2016)

I can work on computers but that's it.
(22 December 2016)

He can fix cars and work on houses like its second nature.
(22 December 2016)

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