Friday 9 December 2016

This would not have been possible with a traditional line array system

The EAW ADAPTive sound system deployed at CAP was the largest to date, with 116 modules in use across 16 column arrays. Each acoustical component within a module is independently powered and processed using advanced electronics. A big advantage of the Adaptive system is the ability to provide coverage straight down from a high position._ … Continue reading This would not have been possible with a traditional line array system

Am i being too sensitive and kinda bratty?
(8 December 2016)

Why don't women just tell a guy she is not interested instead of just ignoring him?
(8 December 2016)

Why not just tell me she's not interested instead of just ignoring me?
(8 December 2016)

I sent her 4 more texts just trying to chit chat and I get nothing.
(8 December 2016)

Then I asked when and she just never got back to me.
(8 December 2016)

The date went well and a few days later she wanted to dinner and drinks.
(8 December 2016)

I met this woman through a dating app.
(8 December 2016)

If you are in class, and you put something away, and when you turn around one girl is chuckling at you, and the other girl right next to you winks at you?
(8 December 2016)

I'm having a mid-life crisis, I can't pay off my house, should I buy a truck?
(8 December 2016)

I'm thinking about buying a truck, I've always wanted a red truck.
(8 December 2016)

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