Wednesday 7 December 2016

The paintings of Trump are the easiest way to access his art

When I look at art, my opinion comes first. This art is, much like its art-historical predecessors, about the human condition. The eye is gentle, vulnerable, unerringly human. Wait, but first, look at the color on the beauty below. Ah, man, that forehead is decadent._ Kerry:I’m 16 and my boyfriend is 18. He’s had problems … Continue reading The paintings of Trump are the easiest way to access his art

First she messaged that she was attracted to me and wanted to continue.
(5 December 2016)

I told her I'm busy in work but would like to meet to break up properly.
(5 December 2016)

Today she messaged asking if I still wanted a relationship and I told her that her shyness (if that's what it really is) irritated me & that it will never work so that I'm going to give up as I couldn't reach her.
(5 December 2016)

Never an invite to her place so I stopped inviting her out 2 wks ago.
(5 December 2016)

Well, after 6 dates, inviting her out for romantic dinners, all I got was a kiss and hug.
(5 December 2016)

We dated for a few weeks and she told me she's shy and wanted to take it slow.
(5 December 2016)

Am I pregnant or is this something else?
(5 December 2016)

I'm concerned about the gurgling and grumbling though.
(5 December 2016)

I don't get my period til 2 more weeks to know if I've missed it or not . I've also changed my diet to a more vegetarian diet but barely like one meal the breakfast and lunch are normal meals like before.
(5 December 2016)

My back will sometimes ache but I've had that before cause of my job sitting in an office chair for hours isn't pleasant.
(5 December 2016)

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