Sunday 25 December 2016

Swm from cali in town

29 Swm with tattoos slender from cali out here for work. I don’t know anyone around here looking for someone who might like to hang out and have some fun. Have a few drinks possibly at a bar or I have drinks in my room. Staying across from the airport. Bring a bathing suit there’s [...]

Men and Women should only get to have ONE spouse and shouldn't be able to remarry.
(24 December 2016)

My boyfriend doesn't want to see me?
(24 December 2016)

We haven't seen each other for a few months.
(24 December 2016)

There's a girl that likes me?
(24 December 2016)

There is a girl in my home room that likes me and on the last day before break she gave me a card saying what she thinks I am and that she's too shy to talk to me in person.
(24 December 2016)

How do I manage things to work?
(24 December 2016)

Or maby I can manage this somehow?
(24 December 2016)

Muslim girl getting married. Sex question?
(24 December 2016)

There so many questions in my head.
(24 December 2016)

How does it even happen- does he ask to have Sex or what?
(24 December 2016)

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