Saturday 24 December 2016

squirting pussy

love it // Jacelyn:I still believe we can make this work in time but she doesn’t.(1 December 2016) Jacelyn:We ended the relationship and not in exactly good terms.(1 December 2016) Jacelyn:But she wanted to break it off because of the fact that she thinks that I won’t be able to ever move where she lives and she won’t [...]

Why are so many guys no fun?
(22 December 2016)

What boring lives they must lead.
(22 December 2016)

They expect you to revolve your life around them and when you don't they assume you're not interested.
(22 December 2016)

Guys just don't know how to have fun anymore.
(22 December 2016)

Then they don't text anymore because shyt got real.
(22 December 2016)

Then you finally drop the drama on them that the reason why we're never getting together is because I always seem to be a last minute thought for you.
(22 December 2016)

They wait to ask to get together you at the last minute.
(22 December 2016)

Is the age gap in my relationship inappropriate?
(22 December 2016)

I genuinely care about him and we feel right together.
(22 December 2016)

He's mature and i feel comfortable with him.
(22 December 2016)

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