Thursday, 22 December 2016

Part of the inquisitiveness should lead to whether it is even a possibility at all

Sometimes you may be the guest of a hunter, or you just might meet someone who finds out that you like to hunt. If you know there is game that the area is known for, look up what it takes to participate in a hunt in that country. Will you be able to bring a… Continue reading Part of the inquisitiveness should lead to whether it is even a possibility at all

I moved to TX less than a year and a half ago after suffering from depression, anxiety, low self esteem, and dealing with rumination that all focused on people and me worrying constantly if someone did or didn't like me.
(21 December 2016)

Why are you the most qualified for this position?
(21 December 2016)

Should I date with a Turkish Girl?
(21 December 2016)

I didnt say I love you to My Turkish friend but I am not sure My best friend said Turkish girls are snob.
(21 December 2016)

I don't want to marry her,I don't want to be stuck somewhere.
(21 December 2016)

I feel like lately,the butterflies are gone.that excitement is gone.that deep emotional thing is gone.
(21 December 2016)

How do I reveal to my mother she is a bad example to me?
(21 December 2016)

As a result I am guilty of some of this though I don't do it to family (I pick people outside of family).
(21 December 2016)

My mother always taught me that the meaning of Christmas was to make a big deal about who we weren't speaking to and insult them extra hard at Christmas.
(21 December 2016)

Yet, she always expected my siblings and I to forgive when we were kids and got mad.
(21 December 2016)

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