Saturday 10 December 2016

One ……..

month til that jolly ole fella breaks into houses and leaves stuff under the tree. What will you be looking for? Giving? To receive?[image][image2][image3][image4][image5][image6] // Valeria:He was a big time adventurer and backpacker.(18 November 2016) Valeria:I didn’t know who I was without him and in many ways I still don’t.(18 November 2016) Valeria:One day he was here and [...]

When my parents found it my dad reprimanded him very thoroughly and my mom told me I shouldn t have told my dad and should have told her, that it was her brother.
(10 December 2016)

My boyfriend told me to tell Mylar about it.
(10 December 2016)

We know it was him either because he would lock himself in that computer room mostly every night.
(10 December 2016)

And when I looked at the search history there was searches for pedophilia porn.
(10 December 2016)

My then boyfriend was helping him on our computer and after he helped me told me that he had seen the most visited websites homepage and that he had been watching lien... mostly animal porn.
(10 December 2016)

Some years ago my uncle was visiting my family from another country and was staying in our home.
(10 December 2016)

Like him coming in and I even saw his wife with one of their daughters without him.
(10 December 2016)

ANd they always complain bout how i cant fit it in.
(10 December 2016)

Should I be suspicious of my boyfriend phone activities?
(10 December 2016)

Should I be wary of any of this stuff or should I let it go?
(10 December 2016)

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