Saturday 10 December 2016

Need Fun Time

I’ve had a really rough and unlucky week and would like to find someone nice to have drinks with and get lucky.maybe good conversation, drinks, a nice walk or something. No plans just be spontaneous. Please put favorite color in subject line so I know your real. if you would a picture would be nice [...]

I haven t had my period yet this month, but for the past 3 months I have.
(9 December 2016)

Could I still be pregnant and should I do another test?
(9 December 2016)

They tested me to see if I was pregnant in order to give me a depo shot several days later.
(9 December 2016)

I m very worried and I need some help.
(9 December 2016)

The last time I had sex was 4 months ago.
(9 December 2016)

But two days ago I got my depo shot (birth control) for the first time.
(9 December 2016)

I have had a very large appetite also.
(9 December 2016)

I m really worried though because my stomach has been growing in size.
(9 December 2016)

I got a pregnancy test done and it came back negative.
(9 December 2016)

I went to Planned Parenthood last weekend.
(9 December 2016)

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