Thursday, 1 December 2016

Missing the spark? Me too.

I am a married white man, early 40’s, in a marriage where spark is gone. Are there any other down to earth women in a similar situation looking for the same? Discretion is a must as I am sure it is with you too. Not looking to change my marriage status and I hope you [...]

Not a day would go by where she didn't cut her family from childhood down in someway or other.
(30 November 2016)

My mother did this this is no longer alive and I'm trying to understand her mind that she was a very bitter person towards her family, not counting us kids, but very loving everybody else.
(30 November 2016)

I feel like my girlfriend doesn t care about me?
(30 November 2016)

Now the biggest thing is whenever I go down to ha g out with her at her dorm she always invites her guy friend to be with us.
(30 November 2016)

Another thing is if I don t initiate a conversation with her she just doesn t talk to me ever maybe a hey randomly at night but I always have to start it to get anything back.
(30 November 2016)

It drives me crazy but I don t want to fight her on that.
(30 November 2016)

For example when she and I were just friends she used to text me and snapchat me all the time and responded almost instantly everytime and she does that with her friends now but me it takes 10-45min and sometimes several hours.
(30 November 2016)

She says she does but there s certain things I don t see it.
(30 November 2016)

Is it legal to date him?
(30 November 2016)

I am 16 and me and this guy want to date, he is 21 though.
(30 November 2016)

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