Wednesday 7 December 2016

Many of these endangered species are found in South Africa

When South Africans think of endangered animals, we usually think of the black Rhino. It is usually found on the coastline of KwaZulu-Natal. They feed on carcasses of dead animals and this helps clean up the environment and prevents the spread of diseases._ Shanda:For instance, I ruined the cute early relationship beginning with my boyfriend since [...]

I get bullied at school for being gay.
(7 December 2016)

They love my sister with straight A's better than me.
(7 December 2016)

And them not knowing the pain I'm going through.
(7 December 2016)

I have some friends to support me but they don't understand They understand nothing about my pain.
(7 December 2016)

But I hate being gay. second, I'm ugly. third, I have terrible grades.
(7 December 2016)

I was born gay, and I always had a thing to my own gender.
(7 December 2016)

Is there a limit to love?
(7 December 2016)

Would not being able to have anymore kids be a deal breaker for you?
(7 December 2016)

He s never given an indication but what do you think?
(7 December 2016)

My cycles are typically 28 days long and my period lasts 4 days I had sex day 8 of my cycle and now its day 13 and I had a little bit of blood plus a blood clot.
(7 December 2016)

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