Saturday 24 December 2016

It’s not about the flavor, it’s the shape!!

This was found on FB. Since my mom is a friend, I couldn’t like it, or comment on it!! // Elease:Help!! An ugly girl likes me?!?(1 December 2016) Alexa:Why can’t I stop thinking of this girl all the time?(1 December 2016) Alexa:She’ s ugly so what’s wrong with me?(1 December 2016) Erma:Are you easily intimidated by someone’s looks or [...]

She's a very sweet and kind girl but in all honesty, my friend is more handsome than me and more fitter in general.
(24 December 2016)

She has been hugging him a lot more, holding hands and calls him 'bae'. I know they're not a thing but it really hurts to think and see she's more interested in someone else.
(24 December 2016)

She has also been ignoring my snaps over the last few days and only talks to me on Snapchat a few times a day.
(24 December 2016)

However more recently she has been getting close to my friend and at a party she was getting very close to him while dancing.
(24 December 2016)

She also gets quite close to me when we talk and has told me a few secrets.
(24 December 2016)

Usually we catch each others eyes and have blinking competitions.
(24 December 2016)

Once she made a joke to one our friends that we were dating sarcastically too.
(24 December 2016)

Every time we pass each other, she gives me a playful punch or slap and if she wants to take me somewhere in a rush she usually grabs my hand whereas she normally grabs other boys by their clothing.
(24 December 2016)

My friend and I are both 2 years younger than her btw.
(24 December 2016)

I've known this girl for around 2 years now and the last couple of months we've become really close.
(24 December 2016)

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