Tuesday, 27 December 2016

It means that there is no longer an inland bus route between Sydney and Brisbane

That’s not a bad thing, although its not a substitute. The Pacific route is shorter and with road improvements is now faster, if with some terrifying spots. So if it’s a straight time choice, people tend to choose the Pacific. Its another blow to the tourist industry._ Xiomara:Why are almost all good looking girls prude?(5 … Continue reading It means that there is no longer an inland bus route between Sydney and Brisbane

My stomach is making like gurgling noises and I m passing a lot of gas.
(27 December 2016)

I had a headache and some dizziness yesterday and my temperature was 100.4. When I lay down I feel very dizzy.
(27 December 2016)

Even though I haven t eaten since dinner last night.
(27 December 2016)

And it s redish with like chunks in it.
(27 December 2016)

But this morning I have thrown up three times already.
(27 December 2016)

And normally when I throw up its just clear.
(27 December 2016)

My morning sickness has mostly subsided by now.
(27 December 2016)

My brother is obsessed with this girl..?
(27 December 2016)

Help !! Urgent help needed! Scared worried and confused?
(27 December 2016)

She always threaten me to tell the head teacher and I don't want to get into trouble so I do what she says m my parents told me nor to talk to her but I'm scared cause she could snitch off me.
(27 December 2016)

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