Wednesday, 14 December 2016

It is interesting the kind of revelations coming out

In response, Bibi Bright cleared things that she rather had a relationship with her cousin (unknowingly) for four years. When they were about to marry, the families realized they were cousins and called it off. Following that she had a miscarriage, something that almost everyone is aware of because she did not hide it._ Shayne:I … Continue reading It is interesting the kind of revelations coming out

I'm 5'11 and a half is that considered Tall?
(14 December 2016)

Who else can't wait to get off work so they can go down on there girlfriends butt?
(14 December 2016)

I love licking my girlfriend's butt.
(14 December 2016)

How can you tell if you should friend zone your boyfriend of almost 3 years?
(14 December 2016)

It's normal I'm 20 and never had a boyfriend? I graduated highschool and never dated anyone . I can't go to college cause?
(14 December 2016)

I know everyone says everyone was meant for someone but will i ever get a boyfriend?
(14 December 2016)

I had liked boys but I got rejected.
(14 December 2016)

Im just looking for a job at the moment.
(14 December 2016)

I can't pass this test I kept taking it.
(14 December 2016)

Is this girl stuck up?
(14 December 2016)

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