Monday 26 December 2016

Imagine how headline writers would have handled a Blount basket to tie the game?

You know, where one win actually follows another? As in 43 percent shooting, 19 turnovers (leading to 20 points), and 38 second-half points. But Davis misfired badly uncharacteristically, really on a 15-footer from the left baseline. Or even a 3-point play following his Friday banishment to hoop Elba?_ Rebbecca:Sugar levels in early pregnancy?(3 December 2016)… Continue reading Imagine how headline writers would have handled a Blount basket to tie the game?

Want a lady I Skype with to unintentionally put her butt on screen?
(25 December 2016)

This lady I Skype with seems to have a big butt and I wanna see you think there is a way I can make her unconsciously show me her butt?
(25 December 2016)

TO MEN ONLY... I only need the first 15 answers to this question... Would you ever seriously consider (or have you ever) broken up?
(25 December 2016)

Birth Control My gf and I are virgins. She's not on the pill, and doesn't have an IUD?
(25 December 2016)

We're new to this, and we have no idea.
(25 December 2016)

If I wear a condom, use spermicide, and pull out, are the chances of accidental pregnancy near zero?
(25 December 2016)

My child (15) is super antsy. What do I do?
(25 December 2016)

And should I punish her when she picks the skin off of her hands?
(25 December 2016)

Is this normal, or should I be concerned?
(25 December 2016)

She can't stop moving and often picks at her hands, even to the point where they are raw and bleeding.
(25 December 2016)

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