Wednesday 7 December 2016

Ice Cream Diet

[image] Looks good don’t it.I had one similar last night for dessert.My point is….in losing this 55 lbs so far….as in my previous weight losses… I refuse to eat rabbit food and starve myself.Now // Yasmine:I feel like it’s preventing me from showing how much I love him, or kind of like I’m pushing him away [...]

This has been happening ever since I even met her and I don't want this to be an issue forever.
(6 December 2016)

I just need to know what to do to make this better.
(6 December 2016)

I really don't want to lose interest or feel different about her because I really really do care about her and want her in my life, but it gets tiring sometimes when what I do is just not impacting anything.
(6 December 2016)

I try to make her as comfortable as possible with me so that I can help her through anything she needs, but as I said, its like what I do just does nothing sometimes.
(6 December 2016)

We have talked and I've said for her to always express whats on her mind so that she wont need to go through anything alone.
(6 December 2016)

Sometimes I do a decent job, but sometimes its like everything that I do does nothing to help.
(6 December 2016)

I've been trying my best to do everything right and keep her depression, anxiety, all that, to a minimum.
(6 December 2016)

We are in a Long distance relationship, and my girlfriend suffers from alot of depression.
(6 December 2016)

I've been with my girlfriend for over a year now.
(6 December 2016)

If a guy asks his girlfriend if she wants to have sex. And she says I don t know. And is to nervous and uncomfortable to say anything and he?
(6 December 2016)

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