Monday, 12 December 2016

I think the custom is great because it encourages looking back on your work and assessing it

This week was one of medium accomplishment for me. The biggest was that I survived, with my sanity relative untouched, a whole week of computers glitches. The technician I was dealing with was patient and finally got it fixed. A meatloaf fashioned too look like a grimy, grungy foot?_ Maranda:People tell me I look 18, … Continue reading I think the custom is great because it encourages looking back on your work and assessing it

It seems like he rather play video-games all the time, rather than sex.
(12 December 2016)

Even when I first started dating, he's very nice and shy, but gets angry when he has to or to defend me.
(12 December 2016)

He's not the cheating type, this has just always been his personality.
(12 December 2016)

Some of my friends said he may be cheating, but Oh God No, that cant be it.
(12 December 2016)

It cant be because he thinks Im unattractive, because he was the one to ask me out first in high school, and he tells me Im the most beautiful woman in the world all the time.
(12 December 2016)

But if I say nothing, I dont think he'd ever have sex with me.
(12 December 2016)

I was the one who had to kept bringing sex up.
(12 December 2016)

We also waited a full year to have sex, and he would never even say anything about sex ever.
(12 December 2016)

Hes a gamer, but not really nerdy at all.
(12 December 2016)

Even a lot, he would just be playing video-games, and Im just in the other room bored.
(12 December 2016)

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