Thursday, 1 December 2016

I am looking for a hot wife type girlfriend

I would love to be in an ongoing relationship with a woman who has the hot wife type mentality.We could have and ongoing normal relationship and do the things people who date do. But sexually, in addition to us having relations, you could also be with other men. I do enjoy threesomes with another guy [...]

I promised I would be, but my job is getting in the way of me talking with her since she moved away.
(29 November 2016)

While I can not be that person in her life I'm her friend.
(29 November 2016)

She said she is sad and her ex is all she can think about.
(29 November 2016)

I assume if he wanted to get back he would, but he hasn't.
(29 November 2016)

This has been happening the past three days.
(29 November 2016)

We broke up 4 months ago but managed to remain friends and live together. (With some other friends) it was hard at first but up until now it was just fine.
(29 November 2016)

I need help on relationship advice?
(29 November 2016)

I do take a while though since I think their questions are stupid.
(29 November 2016)

It's frustrating because I am a nice person and will respond back to them.
(29 November 2016)

How should I confront them about it?
(29 November 2016)

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