Monday 26 December 2016

House Sub

I’m newly free, although I’ve never been collared. I’m looking for something stable and serious with someone patient, and loving. I love to make the person I’m with happy, no matter what. There is lots more to me, but that is ultimately what I’m looking for. I’d appreciate a picture with your response, as well [...]

I have feelings for a close female friend of mine who is currently single (she's 23 and has been single for about 4 months now). I'm 21 and have been single for a year now.
(25 December 2016)

When is it safe to kiss my boyfriend?
(25 December 2016)

When should i be able to kiss him again, meaning when will he no longer be contagious?
(25 December 2016)

My boyfriend has the stomach flu.
(25 December 2016)

Is it normal for a boyfriend to disrespect his girlfriend until she becomes his wife?
(25 December 2016)

So I'm thinking one day when I become his wife he will protect me like his sister.
(25 December 2016)

At one point we broke up and he started writing stuff online saying what would you do if you only had one day to live and why must good things come to an end.
(25 December 2016)

After I did the video with him he said I Iove you and thanked me for god for me in his life.
(25 December 2016)

I guess he was 18 and she was 17 at the time.
(25 December 2016)

His best friend started talking about how one time he got upset over some guy saying his sister had dick sucking lips under his sisters picture.
(25 December 2016)

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