Saturday 10 December 2016

Daaaddy’s little girl been naughty?

Looking for older successful but attractive man thanking make you feel good about yourself all the time. just be obedient and you will have thrills and feel better about yourself so responds with photo, shopping trips and such, // Kiera:But even there, he doesn’t like it.(18 November 2016) Kiera:He also doesn’t let me hang [...]

It's hard for him to join in a group conversation.
(10 December 2016)

I've tried to tell him how much he misses because he can't hear people.
(10 December 2016)

He can't hear the phone ring at night.
(10 December 2016)

He runs the TV so loud I can't stand to stay in the room.
(10 December 2016)

He is almost deaf in one ear and has a bunch of hearing loss in the other one.
(10 December 2016)

The company he works for gave all the employees free hearing tests and confirmed what I've been telling him for years.
(10 December 2016)

My husband has a lot of hearing loss.
(10 December 2016)

My wife says i waste too much money?
(10 December 2016)

But I don't like having my teeth hurt or my toe nails hurting my toes.
(10 December 2016)

I think there is still plenty of time.
(10 December 2016)

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