Thursday 8 December 2016

Can you imagine being such a prolific athlete that you need only 1 name?

Not only is his remarkable speed inspiring, but his true good nature. So here are some Meb Keflezighi tips to improve your next race performance. What he thought was hard was no longer hard. He says that, at age 39, he has to work even harder on these elements than ten years ago._ Tomeka:It’s a … Continue reading Can you imagine being such a prolific athlete that you need only 1 name?

Why do women leave you without saying a word?
(7 December 2016)

I really like her but I don't want to waste my time you know?
(7 December 2016)

She always acts super flirty with people on instagram I think and she even post like shower pics of her.
(7 December 2016)

So maybe I should stop talking to her because I feel like she's playing games?
(7 December 2016)

I wasn't worried until like she hasnt really been responding to my texts or snaps or anything there hasn't been anything flirting via text but there is in person?
(7 December 2016)

I get along fairly well with her other friends she's introduced them to me.
(7 December 2016)

But lately her friend who likes her has been flirting with her alot and I dont say anything because they're like bestfriends.
(7 December 2016)

I walk her to her classes 4th through 6th hour.
(7 December 2016)

Me and this girl have a thing (we flirt and stuff) and she told me she likes me and I like her.
(7 December 2016)

Online chat websites?
(7 December 2016)

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