Friday 9 December 2016

Buena noticia: ¿tienes barriga? . Los hombres con barriga son mejores amantes

Según afirma un reciente estudio de la Universidad de Erciyes en Kayseri (Turquía) que afirma que la grasa abdominal puede aportar una serie de beneficios a nivel sexual.Para su experimento, los inv // Melodi:He amassed this wealth all by himself and as a mother I am very proud of him.(17 November 2016) Melodi:His total net worth is [...]

Well we are just getting to know each other so...
(9 December 2016)

I was just surprised at how fast he was sure he liked me and wants to date me, when earlier he said we could be great friends.
(9 December 2016)

And told ne where he would take me and how he wished I was there with him.
(9 December 2016)

He also asked me if I would go on a date with him.
(9 December 2016)

And then he started calling me all these sweet things and cute names.
(9 December 2016)

It was not that revealing . But he liked if and he said that he finds me attractive.
(9 December 2016)

Just wanted to see what her say.
(9 December 2016)

He really was asking for selfies I guess but then I just sent him a pic of my low top.
(9 December 2016)

I sent him a pic on snapchat because he wanted pics.
(9 December 2016)

After a couple of days texting and talking we got a little more open about love making and such.
(9 December 2016)

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