Thursday, 15 December 2016

A DCF requires too many assumptions and can be manipulated to yield any value you want

You need a D(iscount rate) to do D(iscounted) C(ash) F(low) valuation. The marginal investors will be fully diversified and hold a portfolio of every traded asset in the market. Historical stock returns can be analyzed to identify the market risk factors and the exposure of each stock to those factors._ Shanna:She’s friends with other freshman, especially [...]

I cook different things everyday and it's always an excuse with her about how i should go to subway or burger king instead. my mom thinks going to burger king and popeyes on a rotating basis is healthy, but my home cooked meals are not.
(14 December 2016)

I cook a large variety of things but everytime i get in the kitchen to whip something up, my mom has a snarky remark to say, OR she says its unhealthy.
(14 December 2016)

I just like to create in general but especially when i'm in the kitchen.
(14 December 2016)

Why do women always go for guys who just want sex?
(14 December 2016)

They continually get used by these types of men and as an onlooker I just shake my head at how oblivious these women are.
(14 December 2016)

It's so obvious to me and I don't understand why women can't see it.
(14 December 2016)

As a guy, I can instantly and I mean literally instantly tell if a guy is talking to a girl because he is geniunely interested in he or if he is just trying to bang her.
(14 December 2016)

Should this girl be kicked out if our school?
(14 December 2016)

Do you think she should be expelled?
(14 December 2016)

When the teacher writes her name on the board for a detension, she rubs it off behind the teacher's back and escapes getting punished.
(14 December 2016)

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