Wichita, Kansas //meelp.com/profile/farmerjohn134 Ines:I have a crush on someone i cant be with?(21 October 2016) Wilda:I want to keep seeing him, should I?(21 October 2016) Chelsea:Is it very humilating to use someone’s face as a masterbator, even if he agree?(21 October 2016) Raquel:I have no life and no friends, what should I do?(21 October 2016) Raquel:Plus they [...]
I still dont know how i got a chance with him, but i certainly dont want to waste it with all this panicking.
(4 November 2016)
I just dont want to stress him out anymore with my stupid freshmen problems, he helps me with hw but i mean drama and all that crap.
(4 November 2016)
Him with college and everything, and me working on normal work, not thinking about College and my future career yet.
(4 November 2016)
Another thing that scares me is that since he is a junior and I am a freshman, we both have very different school matters to worry about.
(4 November 2016)
My parents, idk, I just hope im allowed to stay with him bc i care deeply for him.
(4 November 2016)
However, im scared to tell my parents, i mean my bro approves bc he is friends with him knows hes a good guy.
(4 November 2016)
He hasnt forced me to do anything, we have been dating for 2 months and its perfect.
(4 November 2016)
I finally have someone as mature as me.
(4 November 2016)
We even slept in he same bed which was incredible, only i had to sneak out later.
(4 November 2016)
Except our parents dont know, we both really like eachother and the other day we had a big sleepover at his house, me and him cuddled while my friend and a few others watched a movie with us.
(4 November 2016)
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