Wednesday 9 November 2016

well understanding with sense of humor and an excellent listener. I don’t sweat the small stuff,

Dakar, Senegal // Toby:Well this past weekend her best friend and her husband were out in the front patio talking to the dude.(25 October 2016) Toby:During this time 5years my wife never said hi or bye to the dude.(25 October 2016) Toby:I shoked hands with everyone and his too.never have I engage in a conversation.(25 [...]

How can you tell if a flirty guy actually likes you if he flirts with everyone?
(8 November 2016)

I've only hung out with him in a group setting a few times, so I was surprised that he would include me in his plans like that.
(8 November 2016)

He randomly invited me on a trip to Vegas in a couple of months, a trip that one couple (my best friend and his best friend) and him are going on, which means it would be the 4 of us.
(8 November 2016)

Why should a pregnant 20 yr old get more Facebook likes on a ultrasound pic than a 22 yr old in her college cap and gown pic?
(8 November 2016)

So having a baby when you are not financially stable is better than graduating college?
(8 November 2016)

I can't get a job and feel like giving up, should I even keep trying?
(8 November 2016)

Why is my life worth living if I'll never work of be able to take care of myself or function as a normal person?
(8 November 2016)

I wish I could just erase myself.
(8 November 2016)

I can't handle feeling worthless and I can't stand this humiliation any longer.
(8 November 2016)

I can't stand not being able to take care of myself and having to depend on others... it's so humiliating that it makes me hate myself.
(8 November 2016)

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