Tuesday 1 November 2016

She said it best…

“I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my_ Regan:He tells me how much fun he has with me all the time and that i [...]

I was just confessed to by a coworker, what should I do?
(1 November 2016)

It sounds childish, but why can't I stop thinking about this?
(1 November 2016)

We are 4 years apart, he's older but we work the same job.
(1 November 2016)

What should I do that will not make both of us feel comfortable?
(1 November 2016)

And recently he just confessed his feelings for me out of no where, or at least I felt like it was.
(1 November 2016)

Me and my coworker have known each other for so long since we both started work.
(1 November 2016)

My new girlfriend (we've been dating for a little over a week) let a good mutual male friend sleep in her bed. Should I be worried?
(1 November 2016)

I dont know if i should just let this go since its so early in the realtionship and just keep my eyes open, or what?
(1 November 2016)

In my perosnal opinion, friend or not, i wouldnt feel comfortable letting a female friend sleep in my bed since im in a realtionship.
(1 November 2016)

I'm pretty confident nothing sexual happened, but the whole situation just bothers me.
(1 November 2016)

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