Monday 7 November 2016


[image]Quite some time ago, I thought I would be doing something spectacularly meaningful with my life. Meaningful to me, not how other people might define the word. When I was in my early 20’s I // Marielle:I ve always wanted a family of my own but for him to act like that and then leave me [...]

I know it's a weird question but I want to know what to say to make the other person feel dumb.
(6 November 2016)

This girl she was super talkative and touchy and what not and then when I asked her out she gave me her number but now shes?
(6 November 2016)

Not talking to me or even looking at me.
(6 November 2016)

Aden girls from Spain hot?
(6 November 2016)

I am not talking about Latina girls.
(6 November 2016)

My girlfriend thinks I cheated on her but I didn t and she is probably going to leave me?
(6 November 2016)

She s the best thing to ever happen to me and I love her but I m afraid she s going to leave.
(6 November 2016)

No matter what I say she will not believe me and she is the absolute best person I ve ever met.
(6 November 2016)

Okay so some friend of my girlfriend told her I cheated on her but I didn t.
(6 November 2016)

My Girlfriend thinks she is not smart, worthless etc. but she s not?
(6 November 2016)

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