Saturday 12 November 2016

Oxygen is vital to help our brains function properly and assess situations objectively

What is Social Anxiety Disorder? What Causes Social Anxiety Disorder? Am I socially anxious or just shy? What is Social Anxiety Disorder? What Causes Social Anxiety Disorder? Am I socially anxious or just shy? But while we do it involuntarily, breathing is the bridge between our mind and body and a key to our health … Continue reading Oxygen is vital to help our brains function properly and assess situations objectively

I think about this girl until I go to sleep at night.
(12 November 2016)

She gets tongue tied easily and blushes all the time when we chat, the other day I was teasing her a little when she said , my god it's hot, yet We are in the middle of Autumn with no heating.
(12 November 2016)

She is very friendly and quite talkative and we joke a lot in class.
(12 November 2016)

It s funny, she is not what you would call pretty and is slightly overweight, yet when she smiles and looks at me...I just melt.
(12 November 2016)

I have recently started teaching a girl, there is a 20 year age gap, on a one to one basis who just blows me away on every level.
(12 November 2016)

Have lived here for nearly ten years and have been divorced for nearly 2. I continue to live here because I love and want to see my kids, as much as it pains my ex.
(12 November 2016)

I am an Eikaiwa teacher in Japan.
(12 November 2016)

This is a really F.uped situation.
(12 November 2016)

Why do women want a man who has a lot of money?
(12 November 2016)

If someday, that person goes bankrupt and has nothing else, would she leave him?
(12 November 2016)

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