Wednesday 2 November 2016

Not for just anyone. Hopefully you

I know I might not be the one for everyone but I do believe there is one woman out there who is looking for the same thing I am. A long term FWB. Yes. I married. If you are still reading this, you just might be who I am looking for. I am an outdoorsman. [...]

I'm not close to him anyway so I ignored it and haven't spoken to him much since, which is normal for us.
(1 November 2016)

As soon as he saw me he turned the tv off and got up straight away saying I was up early etc.
(1 November 2016)

Nothing like this ever happened until a couple of days ago I walked past the living room to get to the kitchen, and he was sat on the sofa masturbating with the door open.
(1 November 2016)

King of kings user, why do you want young 12-15 year olds to have sex so badly?
(1 November 2016)

You must be a kid in high school to think its ok for a young teen to be having sex and it's not A damn competition.
(1 November 2016)

How to ask for the girl's phone number after the first date?
(1 November 2016)

Let say you invited her to go out for a drink and when you all are done then how do you ask for the phone number?
(1 November 2016)

Why does nothing work out?
(1 November 2016)

I may expect to much from people but i feel like people just expect to much from me and its always me thats taking the fall.
(1 November 2016)

Everything seems to go wrong at some point an even if it did go well i still would feel rejected because i was hoping to find someone but it was just a waste of time and tears.
(1 November 2016)

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