Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Nice fucktool for female…call–txt anytime!!

Like what you see? You know what to do call or txt anytime at sevenfour zerosix ninetwo five onesix three if interested. No males, No couples, No prostitutes and those seeking a sugar, if you are any of these move the fuck on now!!!! // Melina:When can I test to see if I [...]

I've never felt this way about anyone and I want to make my confession special to him...but I'm not sure how.
(8 November 2016)

We talk everyday, hang out a lot and we have the same interests.
(8 November 2016)

I'm sure no one likes someone saying they love him over text, it's not very special.
(8 November 2016)

Should I do it next time we hang out?
(8 November 2016)

I want to tell him, really badly.
(8 November 2016)

I feel like my heart is about to pop out of my chest.
(8 November 2016)

Every time we talk or text, I have to control my self because I feel like telling him that I love him.
(8 November 2016)

Everything about him makes my heart throb and I can't contain these feelings.
(8 November 2016)

He's so polite, kind and passionate.
(8 November 2016)

He's not the most good looking guy, but his personality swoop me off my feet.
(8 November 2016)

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