Thursday 17 November 2016

Maybe time for a break

Maybe it’s me but every few months I just seem to get tired of this place and the games that some play here. I just need to take a break and just don’t get on this site. I know I am not going to fin // Buffy:They completely left me out there.(30 October 2016) Buffy:They knew I [...]

She's planning on telling him she's not really mad on Friday at her birthday party.
(16 November 2016)

Now all week she said been ignoring him and pretending to be mad.
(16 November 2016)

Andy said something about gay people and ally pretended to be all offended and said my moms gay that actually really hurts my feeling andy.
(16 November 2016)

Ally right now is messing with andy.
(16 November 2016)

My sister's smoking weed. How can I stop her?
(16 November 2016)

I'm really worried about her, what can i do?
(16 November 2016)

She's meant to be my big sister but I feel like I'm the one looking after her here and I'm just tired of it, and yeah I know it's selfish but I have big things in my life right now like I have my GCSEs this year and i really don't need this stress.
(16 November 2016)

It was very difficult for me and I really don't want her to end up the same way.
(16 November 2016)

I'm really worried cause a few years ago a guy I knew started smoking weed and as result developed schizophrenia and killed himself.
(16 November 2016)

My mum told her that after school she needed to come home and do her work but instead she went out with her friends and we suspect shes smoking with them.
(16 November 2016)

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