Thursday 17 November 2016

Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum for the image

Clockwise from President Kennedy: President Kennedy; Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara; Deputy Secretary of Defense Roswell Gilpatric; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Kennedy; Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson (hidden); Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson; Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Director William C._ Dennis:I don’t know whats akward about me in order to fix … Continue reading Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum for the image

Advice for talking to a girl I like?
(17 November 2016)

I don't want to come off as a creep and what if I misread this whole situation and she has no interest in me.
(17 November 2016)

Not sure what to do and looking for some guidance.
(17 November 2016)

I want to try talking to her but I suck at texting and feel that's the reason we stopped texting before.
(17 November 2016)

Still to this day she's the only girl who I've asked for her number to talk to from my store.
(17 November 2016)

I've never asked for a girls number in my store because I feel it's unprofessional, but this girl was an exception.
(17 November 2016)

We never hung out because she went off to school.
(17 November 2016)

I asked for her number and we texted for a week or so then the convo just got stale.
(17 November 2016)

She's the same age and goes to school in the next state over, but from my area.
(17 November 2016)

About 3 months ago this girl came in to get her phone fixed and we instantly clicked (from my perspective). She asked to come in the back to watch the repair and she ended up staying for an hour after just talking.
(17 November 2016)

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