Monday 7 November 2016

It was fortunate that the paperwork I needed was at least there

I must rely on doctors to improve my health and quality of life, and, most of the time, I obtain exactly what I need. Getting medical records transferred in between hospital system is the most current bane of my existence. For starters, finding the proper medical records department at the first hospital was not easy._ … Continue reading "It was fortunate that the paperwork I needed was at least there"

Billy happens to be someone I see everyday after school.
(7 November 2016)

He is four years old and named Billy.
(7 November 2016)

Like is he thinking that if he does this we'll get back together or is he trying to clear his conscious or what?
(7 November 2016)

I don't know if I'm quite ready to accept him back into my life and try to trust him, and even if this does work I don't know what he expects from it?
(7 November 2016)

I don't know if he's going to try to on Monday either but it's not almost midnight on Sunday and I'm having second thoughts.
(7 November 2016)

I said yes but after that he hasn't texted me and tried to earn my trust or even talk.
(7 November 2016)

So Friday night he texted me and asked if he could work to earn my trust back and told me he was different and had changed.
(7 November 2016)

He recently switched back to the school im going to and asked my best friend for my number so he could make things right with me.
(7 November 2016)

He also lied to me and won't admit he did anything wrong.
(7 November 2016)

Almost 2 years ago I dated a guy who tried to use me for sex but I didn't have sex with him so he cheated multiple times.
(7 November 2016)

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