Saturday, 26 November 2016

It turned out to be a rather sad end to the week for many

I share EdTech related news, tutorials, reviews, and opinions. There are still some great citation options available for G Suite and Chrome users. These tools can’t always find all of the necessary parts of a citation, so educating students about this is vital._ Micaela:Do you think he’s talking to her or just trying to make … Continue reading It turned out to be a rather sad end to the week for many

She was also kind of casual when she said that.
(26 November 2016)

She pretty much told me that she was too far into pregnancy to have an abortion, otherwise it would have been a done deal.
(26 November 2016)

She had multiple abortions thought that time.
(26 November 2016)

Then she divorced and was raising my brother by herself.
(26 November 2016)

Here s some background: my mom was married and had my brother first.
(26 November 2016)

It didn t bother me at the time but now that I m a parent myself it kind of bothers me.
(26 November 2016)

My mom told me a few years ago that she almost aborted me.
(26 November 2016)

Is it wrong for a 28 year old guy to be attracted to 18 year old girls?
(26 November 2016)

Most of them still act like children.
(26 November 2016)

My parents want me to hang out with friends but then when I ask to they deny it?
(26 November 2016)

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