Wednesday 16 November 2016

It really is the only product I use for my skin

From only using all-natural products to slathering on coconut oil these ladies know how to keep their skin radiant. Cipriana : I wash my face with Dr. Water, sleep and diet for obvious reasons but exercise has a huge role in clearer skin. Cipriana : Coconut oil, coconut oil and oh coconut oil, lol._ Ria:I avoid [...]

My grandfather is so strict that he's been yelling at me ever since he found out my bf wants to come over and talk to him.
(15 November 2016)

Please help me with tips bc I am freaking out.
(15 November 2016)

I know my bf is a good guy but my grandpa just hates any guy at all.
(15 November 2016)

I have been secretly dating my boyfriend for a fair amount of time but my boyfriend wants to talk to my grandpa (he's my guardian) about dating me.
(15 November 2016)

GUYS - Can you act this way with your ex without feelings?
(15 November 2016)

I just want to know if he has feelings or just that's how guys can be without caring at all.
(15 November 2016)

He even moved it when he changed flat upstairs.
(15 November 2016)

Girls - Question for you?
(15 November 2016)

Would you be open to something if the conversation went well?
(15 November 2016)

Just cause of the amount of time that has passed and you were never all that close.
(15 November 2016)

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