Sunday 6 November 2016

ich mache alles………….

casablanca, Morocco // Lillie:We had a great talk until I asked a rather personal question.(23 October 2016) Lillie:He told me he can never initiate a conversation with anyone.(23 October 2016) Lillie:This is when I realize he isjust very shy.(23 October 2016) Lillie:Eventually, we spoke again and got to know little details about one another.(23 October 2016) Lillie:I [...]

Every time I talk about boys my friends say he always stares at me while I'm saying it.
(5 November 2016)

The only time we talk is when we a partnered up in some project.
(5 November 2016)

We make eye contact more than twice a day.
(5 November 2016)

But I have always crushed on him and I did throughout 8th grade.
(5 November 2016)

This boy named Cole and I talked a lot in seventh grade.
(5 November 2016)

I m currently 6 weeks pregnant and worry?
(5 November 2016)

I also don t have an appt until the 18th to hear the heart beat.
(5 November 2016)

Does this sound normal for this far along . Everyone tells me things are fine.
(5 November 2016)

I m 6 weeks along and worry a lot . I was recently intimate with my boyfriend . I had red spotting after for a little . That has since stopped . I also get light cramping , more like gas cramps . I also started to get discharge when I wipe.
(5 November 2016)

Whats he doing?
(5 November 2016)

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