Saturday 12 November 2016

Demonic necromancy is so tedious

I’m starting to think this cursed coffee cup is doing more harm than good . I mean sure drinking snake and bat-blood out of it revitalizes me more than anything else , but I think its bringing me bad // Berry:My Dad is an alcoholic and my mother is divorcing him for it. Does divorcing an [...]

I plan on living in my car for the next 2 years... do you think I can do that with only $5000?
(12 November 2016)

It's actually quite normal in many children, it's when it's still present in adults that it's the problem...
(12 November 2016)

And it is always said to write some kind of thank you for the gifts, whether it be in as an small thank card or through text, thanking should be a given... And he isn't socially awkward, he's very popular actually, he just has more impulsiveness than some.
(12 November 2016)

Please don't leave any rude comments, I just need to know if this sounds like I could be having my first crush.
(12 November 2016)

I have every class with him, and I catch myself staring at him all of the time.
(12 November 2016)

When I try to talk to him, I can't talk correctly, and I get really nervous.
(12 November 2016)

Whenever I see him I get butterflies in my stomach, and I start to blush.
(12 November 2016)

Hey, I'm twelve (almost 13), and I have never had a crush before, so I don't know.
(12 November 2016)

Is my boyfriend worried about his small penis?
(12 November 2016)

He is 13 and I am 11 and he showed me and i touched it and stuff, I won't go into detail but I think he thinks I'm judging him about it but I'm not.
(12 November 2016)

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