Friday 11 November 2016

Could You Use An Extra 200?

Looking for an attractive woman who is DDF and HWP sorry, not into bigger women.. just my preference. Must send pic of your face and body in first reply if you wish a response. Does not have to be same pic, but I would like to have an idea of what you look like. Not [...]

It was funny and awkward because the light turned red as soon as they were on they're getaway, so they tried not to look back at me.
(11 November 2016)

I was driving today, and this happened.
(11 November 2016)

Why he acting like this?
(11 November 2016)

My husband was looking at girls online while I was in the other room?
(11 November 2016)

I'm kind of mad he would do that while I'm literally 15 feet away.
(11 November 2016)

I asked him what he was doing and took a hard look at his computer so he knew I knew.
(11 November 2016)

On the bottom you can see a disgusting girl getting undressed.
(11 November 2016)

I came out about 10 seconds later and I walked up to him and he quickly clicked a small box to show up over what he was looking good at on his computer.
(11 November 2016)

He asked me from the living what I was doing, so I said I'm eating.
(11 November 2016)

He was on his computer in the living room, and I went into the kitchen to get a drink and make a sandwich.
(11 November 2016)

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