Friday 11 November 2016

Are you a “ten”?

Do you have an interest in making a man’s dream come true? To be THE dominant memory in one man’s sexual history? To have the beauty you enjoy now become immortal in the mind of a man who can truly value it? I have always wanted a ten - the perfect woman, and I never [...]

How can i just not think about him?
(11 November 2016)

I dont want to waste my time anymore so i just want to forget about him.
(11 November 2016)

I really like this boy from work for a while now but i guess he doesnt like me.
(11 November 2016)

Must answer question asked and BQ for BA.
(11 November 2016)

Me and my girlfriend had a kid and now the romance is dead?
(11 November 2016)

She ignores me and treats me like I m useless when I m doing all that I can to help but I have to work also?
(11 November 2016)

If I were to at 13?
(11 November 2016)

Spread my legs open wide what would you do?
(11 November 2016)

I'm 24. Why can't I date 15 to 17 year-old girls?
(11 November 2016)

Some 17 year-old old girls are into but I said it's illegal.
(11 November 2016)

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