Sunday, 2 October 2016

WildEarth have been endlessly spoilt with our Big Cat Sightings on safariLIVE

WE tried to keep up with his movements through the thick bush as he made his way. Sunday started off with the Queen of Djuma with a recent impala kill. James and Herbert were on the tracks of the Nkuhumas. The adrenalin was racing as the guides remained unseen by the tawny figures slinking through [...]

We were hanging out at her place with a few of our friends when we overheard Hannah ask the guy she's been seeing if he had a rubber.
(2 October 2016)

Can a marriage survive a long-term affair?
(2 October 2016)

It is a band aid but the wounds from my marriage are there.
(2 October 2016)

I use the affair to escape the reality of my marriage.
(2 October 2016)

I am afraid the verbal abuse will start again.
(2 October 2016)

I have built up walls with my husband and am afraid to be completely in love with him again.
(2 October 2016)

He is a good father and is now, after 10 years, trying to be nice to me.
(2 October 2016)

My marriage is verbally abusive and I stay because I would have to pay my husband alimony and child support.
(2 October 2016)

I have been having a long distance affair with a married man on and off for 3 years.
(2 October 2016)

Should I approach her next time?
(2 October 2016)

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