Thursday 20 October 2016

Where we consciously are aware of LIVING as that

There is what appears as a FUTURE timeline. This is how your Divinity experiences ITSELF. It knows itself in UNION with all aspects of yourself, that occur simultaneously in many parallel worlds and timelines. Which brings us to the purpose of this writing, activation._ Joeann:Im only 13, i can only take so much.i feel as … Continue reading "Where we consciously are aware of LIVING as that"

He locked the kids in the attic and put the cat in the trash can.
(19 October 2016)

Friendly, open minded, and very open to trying new things if you know what I mean ;). I moved in with him yesterday, after ten thousand minutes of seeing each other, but he didn't like my cat or my 2.5 children.
(19 October 2016)

So I met this really cute guy on Christian Mingle.
(19 October 2016)

I'm 20 going to be 21 next week, and I've done one full year at community college.
(19 October 2016)

Did I just lose my best guy friend?
(19 October 2016)

When he got a job and his new girlfriend.
(19 October 2016)

We hang out less, text less, and we are more distant.
(19 October 2016)

Im a guy and I think my best guy friend has forgotten his bud.
(19 October 2016)

Guy wants to fight after I offended his friend?
(19 October 2016)

So lets start this off, around june i pissed a guy off by telling him that white privelege isnt a thing, he told his friend who got butthurt, fast forward, his friend is harassing me practically every day but nothing past that so far.
(19 October 2016)

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