Sunday 23 October 2016

Trigeminal neuralgia is often simply called TN or sometimes referred to as tic doulourex

Whatever you call it, the condition involves severe facial pain that patients often describe as a sudden stabbing pain. Involving 13 patient with trigeminal neuralgia, the results were so promising that they justified a larger and longer trial. Researchers involved in the original study include E.J._ Lenita:Anyways, I get along with her, but I was … Continue reading Trigeminal neuralgia is often simply called TN or sometimes referred to as tic doulourex

I enjoy her company and all which is good.
(23 October 2016)

I have broken up with her once and I would feel bad if I broke up with her again.
(23 October 2016)

I am not deeply In love with her but she is very in love with me.
(23 October 2016)

What did he mean when he said you're not ready to get married?
(23 October 2016)

This guy at school wants me to have sex with him?
(23 October 2016)

If my mom knew about this, she would be totally pissed.
(23 October 2016)

He said he would give me the money first so, should I get it over with?
(23 October 2016)

I was really waiting till I go to college to lose it but, I am very curious and he's offering money.
(23 October 2016)

I'm thinking about changing my mind now because, that's alot of money.
(23 October 2016)

Later on that day he offered me $1200 if I let him have sex with me.
(23 October 2016)

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