Tuesday, 18 October 2016

The United States is currently the fourth largest foreign investor in the Philippines

In the end, he did a little of both, but left some questions unanswered. The two governments announced a limited rollout of EDCA at five Philippine bases earlier this year. In his prepared remarks, Yasay interestingly made no direct mention of China. It is too early to tell whether Washington can take the foreign policy [...]

This used to be a problem every now and then, now it is every single time.he will spend the next day apologizing then hes back at it.
(17 October 2016)

He will even start verbally abusing me in front of company, our friends, and it completely humiliates me.
(17 October 2016)

If I go to bed he calls people he hasnt seen or talked to in years and tell them all of his problems, its embarrasing.
(17 October 2016)

He will get completely trashed, barely able to function, drive back to the store and get more.
(17 October 2016)

I used to argue back with him, but now I just say okay and try to ignore it.
(17 October 2016)

We can both be drinking having a nice evening watching movies, then all the sudden he turns into a complete verbally abusive douchebag.
(17 October 2016)

Not being proud of this, i have slowed down but he is still pushing hard with the drinking.
(17 October 2016)

I ended up caving in and started drinking on the days he would.
(17 October 2016)

I met him and he drank a lot- ignoring the red flags I would talk with him about it but push passed it.
(17 October 2016)

Why do Moms leave Dads for divorce more often then Dads leaving Moms? Is it because of money or because they are more sensitive?
(17 October 2016)

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