Monday, 24 October 2016

She was rushed to Good Shepherd Hospital but died two days later

Ntombi Lessiah Dlamini is said to have collapsed and later died from a stroke-related illness due to the incident. Mkhaliphi said when his wife saw a group of police officers assaulting and bundling him into a van she collapsed and later died. I AM IN MBOMBELA MPUMALANGA I JUST READ IT._ Ayanna:If your Mother says … Continue reading "She was rushed to Good Shepherd Hospital but died two days later"

So, my dad's partner is a really sweet guy with a heart of gold and my dad is an alcoholic that basically gets drunk from the moment he gets home, until he leaves for work and he does a lot of bad things that I don't really like.
(24 October 2016)

I need some help on how to fix some things going on in their relationship because it is really tearing our family apart and I don't know how to help.
(24 October 2016)

I am a 15 year old male and I live with my dad and his partner (also male) in the United States.
(24 October 2016)

I don't wanna come across as a player or poser or something.
(24 October 2016)

But i also dont want to lose what i already have.
(24 October 2016)

I need someone who is able to be physically present when i need them and close enough that we can go on dates every now and then.
(24 October 2016)

I've been very tempted to dump the long distance girlfriend and go with this one because she lives 10 to 15 minutes away.
(24 October 2016)

Over the weekend, she gave me her number.
(24 October 2016)

But I've been interested in this other girl that I dont really know that much but have talked to her and seen her around.
(24 October 2016)

And with us both being minors, we dont have the means to see each other that often. (We see each other for a weekend once every 2 to 3 months). And with her going into college next school year, she will only get busier.
(24 October 2016)

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