Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Non Vanilla

Hi there thanks for stopping in your brave, I like that. You should enjoy the great outdoors be healthy good energy, fine dining good conversation, laugh smile, I will treat you great but you like a little kink! And you enjoy a firm hand with class. You can have me meet all your friends but [...]

I see it differently, he messed up by getting married and having four kids, not worth it at all.
(24 October 2016)

My family looks up to my uncle, he's a very successful superintendent, but they value him for his morals and generosity as a family man.
(24 October 2016)

I dont see the worth in it, like why bother?
(24 October 2016)

I only think of material things in my future, not some broad to share it with.
(24 October 2016)

I value money alot more, and its the main reason I make good grades and want to get a really good job in the future.
(24 October 2016)

Well I used to be bitter,now I learn to blow it off, and as a result my personality has somewhat changed.
(24 October 2016)

I've never been popuar, I've never had a girlfriend, and I admit its made me somewhat bitter.
(24 October 2016)

Since I've been in high school I haven't always been the happiest.
(24 October 2016)

Anyone wanna talk to me?
(24 October 2016)

I'm a guy, 15, and want to talk to someone.
(24 October 2016)

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