Friday, 28 October 2016


Lors d’une soirée un homme accoste une belle jeune femme et lui propose un dernier verre chez lui, il insiste en lui précisant qu’il est magicien et qu’il lui montrera un tour de magie.Arrivé chez // Madeleine:I’m on the pill but missed it that night and took it in the morning.(16 October 2016) Madeleine:I had sex a [...]

But it's a color I don't particularly like.
(27 October 2016)

I heard that wearing red is considered attractive.
(27 October 2016)

Is it possible that this girl likes me?
(27 October 2016)

She ll tell me a lot of personal things too, and comes to me about most of her issues Does she like me?
(27 October 2016)

For a while now, my friend will get a really flirty attitude when she s talking to me (Well it seems flirty to me) For instance, today, we were talking during lunch and she kept trying to poke me to tickle me and was really close to me.
(27 October 2016)

So relationship advice, I screwed up give me help?
(27 October 2016)

But I continued talking (just talking nothing else) and basicly told Her I liked her and then she found out I was still dating the other girl and hates me.
(27 October 2016)

But then she's suicidal, low self esteem so, I didn't I just couldn't.
(27 October 2016)

So I broke up with my girlfriend because I really liked the other girl.
(27 October 2016)

So I really liked Thisbe girl but I was dating someone.
(27 October 2016)

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