Saturday, 22 October 2016

Hott hippie!!

I’ll start by saying my Name is Nathan!! About me I’m a 28 years old .And a workaholic I am a very fun, nice, smart, cute guy and I would like to meet some girl with those same attributes…I have my life together and my career on track so trust me I am no loser [...]

So I started texting a girl that I go to school with, and we went on a date to the movies.
(20 October 2016)

She seems to bite down hard when she looks at me.
(20 October 2016)

She looks at me a lot especially when she talks to other guys.
(20 October 2016)

I feel broke? :(?
(20 October 2016)

Have a face you just want to punch as soon as you see it?
(20 October 2016)

Can you help me ruin and destroy the social lives of assholistic douchebags?
(20 October 2016)

I need a rope. A long rope. How to make one out of clothes, ANYTHING?
(20 October 2016)

He can't go through the front door, and I can't use a ladder, that would be too obvious.
(20 October 2016)

So I invited my friend over but I live in a two story house, which means my window is very high.
(20 October 2016)

How can I warm up to people? How do I stop being cold?
(20 October 2016)

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