ciplak bacaklarinin arasina yatip kafasini gobegine yaslamis, keyif yapiyordu. Bir an, buram buram sehvet kokusu degdi burnunun ucuna, agzinin, icine o an dolan yakici bir istekle, nasil kavruldugunu // Caprice:I realized i have a crush on him.(9 October 2016) Caprice:And when i am on a different shift to him he would ask me where im going when [...]
So now my bf is blaming me for getting pregnant and causing him stress.
(19 October 2016)
I was on the vaginal ring and obviously it had failed us.
(19 October 2016)
We decided on an abortion because we are unfit to be parents because of financial reasons and we are still in college.
(19 October 2016)
Is money an aphrodisiac for females?
(19 October 2016)
Do girls get turned on by the prospect of a guy with money purchasing them gifts etc.?
(19 October 2016)
A lot of poor girls like me I think because I come from a wealthier background.
(19 October 2016)
Henry Kissinger once said that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
(19 October 2016)
Does that mean that he is not interested?
(19 October 2016)
I know that the military is not a job, it's a lifestyle, but I wish I knew what to expect because I do like him as a person, I just don't know if I can handle the military lifestyle He hasn't rescheduled our date.
(19 October 2016)
Why dont you answer the question?
(19 October 2016)
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