Tuesday, 25 October 2016


Eight of Swords. Review time. Less than a month since we last saw this one. When the 8 of Swords appears, you may be holding yourself back because you fear moving into the future, or because you are w //meelp.com/blog/268107/post_3722534.html?ANON_CONFIRM=TRUE Tabatha:But as far as I know people get shy around that person and can’t talk with [...]

I don t know what he wants, whether its something casual or long term but how soon is too soon to be talking dirty to each other?
(24 October 2016)

So I met a guy, and we hit it off really well, he is a gentleman and we talked for hours about anything and everything... Then the conversation shifted and we were flirting and talking about our sexual fantasies.
(24 October 2016)

Is it Normal to be Sexually Attracted to Large Amounts of Money?
(24 October 2016)

Like, you have a literal orgasm upon seeing a large stack of hundreds.
(24 October 2016)

Why does my guy friend not give me a hug goodbye or hello?
(24 October 2016)

We have only ever hugged goodbye twice.
(24 October 2016)

Since I'm not sure if he feels comfortable to hug I won't give him a hug hello or goodbye either.
(24 October 2016)

We get along well but that is the only thing that I notice is odd.
(24 October 2016)

He always gives other girls a hug hello or goodbye but never me.
(24 October 2016)

We have known each other for over 10 years.
(24 October 2016)

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