Monday, 26 September 2016

The Evolution

It’s been a long road for me. I would guess the beginning of my evolution was when I was in my teens. I found myself strangely attracted to my mom’s nightgowns. I remember running my fingers along the // Jessie:I also said that I can live my life any way i want and that means without [...]

He claims that I don't want to be as close to him and don't value him as a friend.
(26 September 2016)

Following up is very important to getting a job for an employer.
(26 September 2016)

I am teaching him how to be persistent in texting.
(26 September 2016)

My friend text me like once every 3 days, and I never reply to him until he text me at least 2-3 times.
(26 September 2016)

You knock over a bowl of liquid that someone left on the table, and break the bowl. Who cleans it?
(26 September 2016)

Because my roommates insist the person who left it cleans it.
(26 September 2016)

Maybe I'm weird but... are we friends or am I really bad at knowing when I have a crush?
(26 September 2016)

Worse, I'm afraid sometimes when there's a possibility he doesn't like me.
(26 September 2016)

I get upset when he doesn't reply to my texts and occasionally post pictures that have similar interests just so he likes them.
(26 September 2016)

We used to be rivals but now we are friends.
(26 September 2016)

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