Sunday, 25 September 2016

Eight productions have been shot along 176th Street in Cloverdale this year

The union has recently waived its $100 application fee to try and entice more people to come work for the film industry. The union has recently waived its $100 application fee to try and entice more people to come work for the film industry. The union has recently waived its $100 application fee to try … Continue reading "Eight productions have been shot along 176th Street in Cloverdale this year"

I'm never forgiving her and I've kicked her out of my house and told her to go move in with him and if he doesn't want her to live there then I don't care where she lives.
(24 September 2016)

Running for Homecoming Prince?
(24 September 2016)

I wanna take a chance and see what happens but I also don't wanna come in last place.
(24 September 2016)

It's not too late to sign up but I have no idea what to do.
(24 September 2016)

And what if I do run, and then lose?
(24 September 2016)

I don't wanna run and then get crushed by them.
(24 September 2016)

They're all more popular than I am.
(24 September 2016)

I was ready to run and everything but then I find out four other people were running against me.
(24 September 2016)

Homecoming is coming up and I feel confident enough to win.
(24 September 2016)

People I've never even spoke to will come up and talk to me now.
(24 September 2016)

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